Tech Bazaar 23- Catching Up on Some Painting

Six out of ten or more pieces that have been built and ready for paint for many many months are finally completed. The Tech Bazaar needs more things that have been built to be finished before I feel comfortable moving on to build even more stuff that has been long-planned. This batch was tackled over the last couple months with a focus on getting the piece done in at least a passable way.

Let's take a look at the new set of platforms. The original platforms were made with some integral pieces (here and here). I like the looks of both of those, but I realized the flexibility of 'blank' platforms would be much more useful for several builds.

Instead of using parts of the same corkboard foam tiles for supports, I decided to make use of the many packing tape cores that I've accumulated over the years. They provide a stable base (tested with some of my heaviest old metal figures).

These new platforms are slightly shorter than the original design, but they fit nicely with those originals. There will hopefully be some more of this style platform built to expand the height options for the Tech Bazaar. 

Moving on to a prefab piece from Mantic's Deadzone terrain set, I wanted a sort of dock mainly for the 'Jenny' hover barge. The support for the dock is a juice bottle lid.

Here we can see the Cthood Maintenance team offloading supplies to the dock for later distribution. 

Next is another in the line of 'tech towers' made using a dessert cup for the base. The tower section is a smaller dessert cup. Coffee stirrers, part of a heating pad cord, and parts of an old toy tripod provide the details. Much like the earlier shorter tech tower, this one got a squirt bottle nozzle that might make it another pumping station of some kind.  The texture turned out pretty good and since this one was built I've used a mix of glue and baking soda on a few other builds since this.

Finally, the mighty (crunchy) peanut butter tech tower! On top is the lid of a prescription bottle and a tiny lid from an old blade container. The three recepticles are tops of zip ties (one of the most useful bits of trash). Other items on the tower include a single use eyedropper, headset cord, various plastic rods, and pieces of giftcards. 

There are still a handful of trash bashed and Mantic pieces that need to be finished up. They've all got some paint on them so someone just needs to focus a little, dammit. Perhaps once those are done we can set up all of the finished Tech Bazaar pieces to better assess what else is "needed."


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