Adherents of the Veracious Semblance- Part 1

The cult of the Adherents of the Veracious Semblance is slowly being built mainly because I love the idea of religious cyborg monks, but also because of the Vastarian event from the Between the Bolter and Me guys. There were also some recent kitbashes of Frostgrave figures with Mechanicus bits by Luke Mockeridge that sparked my imagination. These combined influences forced me to finally get the two Wizard kits for Frostgrave. Now I'm ready for even more fun miniature builds that will hopefully be interesting.

First came Adolphus, using a Frostgrave Cultist body as I waited impatiently for the Wizards to arrive. His head is from a Mechanicus kit. His arms are from the Stargrave Crew kit with a book hand from a Victoria Miniatures figure. The backpack is a modified Tau bit. He's also got a  couple of other bits from various GW kits.

For the colors, I wanted to continue to use the oranges I've been using for a lot of my not-Mechanicus conversions. I also sprinkled in the greens that I've been using for some of the techno-monastic conversions I've done over the years. I'm not sure this will continue with upcoming Veracians, we'll have to wait and see.

The day the Female Wizards box arrived and Potensia came together that evening. I liked the movement of this body and set about putting nicks and holes in her cloak. I used one of the staffs from the Female Wizards kit and added a Necron skull to it because I didn't feel like bashing together a servoskull for it at the time. Her head is one of the increasingly rare Skitarii hooded heads in my bits box. The techno-pack is part of an AT-43 miniature. For her left arm, I wanted to do something that would throw off her symmetry and I thought of Techpriest Crabtree with his powerfist. Luckily I had 2 more of the Space Wolf powerfists left in my bits and I hacked it up to fit with a part of a Mechanicus arm. It turned out exactly how I saw it in my mind before I started cutting things up. Of course, the powerfist needed to have some checkerboard pattern. The checkerboard pattern on the battered yellow does make me think of a taxi, but I'm not against it.

Finally, for this first batch of Veracians, I used a Child of Ilian body to get Tody. His head is from the Male Wizard because I'm running out of the Mechanicus hooded heads. I snipped his arms off at the sleeves and gave him hands from one of the Wizard kits, modifying the skull on his staff into a servoskull with bits. His power pack, likely wired into his spine through the shirt, is part of a not-space marine heavy weapon from the olde Grenadier Space Rangers plastic kit.

More Veracians to come, but what exactly do they believe in? They are the Adherents of the Veracious Semblance. Their main belief is that existence is only a façade of true reality, it is merely the dream of the slumbering Omnissiah. That's all I've got so far. Future members of this cult will probably be a little more varied than these first three. I've got a couple already built that didn't use anything from the Frostgrave Wizards kits.


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