Shefdu the Deranged Puppeteer

Trying to ignore the babbling argument between his two strange puppets, the new arrival seemed not to notice his fellow Shefdus viewing him with concern. The argument raged on, some mention of chalk and butter. Harbinger Shefdu was the first to speak, "this poor creature is clearly deranged."

One of the puppets turned to Harbinger Shefdu, "Oi! What makes ye fink ye're all not th'ones off yer lids?" It then went back to arguing with its compatriot...

It has happened once more, a dip into the Crisis of Infinite Shefdus endless project. This idea came to me in pieces thanks to waiting for the Frostgrave Wizards II kit with the hand puppet bit. I first thought about a crazy guy arguing with his puppet. Then I got the idea of TWO puppets arguing and the crazy guy looking away. THEN I thought "OMG, what if it's another alternate Shefdu?!" And here we are.

I had scavenged parts from the Nekharu Coven Witch for other Witch conversions but kept the body just in case something came up.  The head is one of the many Tethru heads also from Crocodile Games. For the arms, I dug into my olde GW zombie and skeleton bits. I found a  couple of Tomb Kings skeleton arms that looked promising to hold the puppets. The base is some Age of Sigmar fancy thing that I recently got.

The puppets were inspired by a lot of yellow cube conversions I was seeing in the summer on Instagram (inspired by this Mork Borg supplement) . Then there were some other geometric heads that started popping up, so I decided that giving the puppets a cube head and a ring head would be a fun and silly way to make this Shefdu look as insane as I imagined him. The placement of Shefdu's head makes it look a little like he's whispering in the cubehead puppet's ear. I sculpted their jackets with green greenstuff (very proud of how the little hood turned out) and just used lengths of plastic rod for the goofy little arms.

Here the Deranged Puppeteer joins the colony of Shefdus. The mystery grows deeper, and weirder, each time a new Shefdu emerges from the scrolls. 


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