A Couple of 3D Printed Nerds

These two were gotten because I wanted to have a couple of guys with books and stuff for general use. Very nice prints from an Etsy shop that I started on but then pushed back for a little while.

This alchemist guy was the first one finished (about 5 months ago). I thought his little shoulder buddy should be fantastical thus the bright green fur. The liquids in his vials and bottle came out okay, I think.

This fancy elf scholar was almost done at the same time as the other guy, but then he sat there. He was tackled a little here and there, but I was mainly avoiding finishing off the books and his magnificent hair. Until the other day when I decided it was time to get this guy out of the way. 

I tried to do a little writing in the book that looks okay. For his hair, it's definitely anime inspired with the aqua blue color. I think the two different blue cloaks beside the hair are a little too much blue hues, but it's too late to change it now.

And here we've got the lineup shot with the Victoria Miniatures Highlander, GW Primaris Marine, and the Raging Heroes Jailbird.


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