Sci-Fi Mixed Bag 14

Another random assortment of sci-fi miniatures mostly painted up recently. 

First up, the one finished long ago (May?), the dreaded Gnome from Zombie Plague! A quick and not great paintjob in-between other things several months ago. But he's done and now there are only a few extra Zombies to assemble and paint.

This Cthood civilian (or is he secretly a super criminal mastermind?) Is simply a headswap onto some cheap Heroclix  miniature. He's pretty plain, but as an alleged super criminal mastermind he's likely trying to keep a low profile. 

Here we have a little something for the Tech Bazaar and beyond. This came with the DreamForge Stormtrooper expansion sprues. There are 3 total that are each getting this treatment. I built it basically as it should be, but without the legs because hovering stuff is cool. And we can see below how it sizes up next to the ever Wandering Techpriest.

Next we've got a rebased and touched up Cobalt-1 wolf-guy (originally painted many many moons ago). I dislike the Star Wars Legion miniatures' size but the fancy 27mm bases are simply lovely. This guy was on a hex base that wasn't quite big enough, I think this base looks much better. 

I dug out this other Cobalt-1 wolf guy to put on another Legion base and started painting him up. Then I got to this weird thing in his holster and decided it must go, so I carefully removed it with blades and snips. Then I sculpted a little flap for the holster that looks not too horrible. His colors overall match the original guy above.

Then we come to a really nice simple Hasslefree figure that I should've painted long ago. Roddy is a genetically modified hybrid chimp-man. He was a pretty quick and dirty paintjob that I think he turned out pretty nice. I felt like he should go on one of the Legion bases too (I'm going to need more Legion bases soon at this rate).

Finally, we have this Stargrave metal figure who got both hands swapped out for Heresy Miniatures' Trenchcoat Ganger hands he originally had a couple odd sized pistols that I just kind of hated). I like how the new hands look. The symbol on his back is probably his house crest or something, I just tried to make something that looked a little different from any freehand stuff I'd done before but it turned out a little underwhelming sO let the weathering of his jacket obscure it. 


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