Adding to the Xenomorph Horde


5 more Gale Force Nine Aliens miniatures and a special bonus conversion of a Dreamforge Feral Shadowkesh with some leftover bits are now completed. With the 5 earlier painted Aliens (seen here and here) that brings the hive total to eleven.

These newly finished GF9 Aliens are more simple metallic paints, drybrushing, and washes. The first one got a bronze/gold metallic mainly to see how the finished results would look. I really like it and might use somethign similar for the Royal Guards eventually.

These two specimens are a return to the metallic blue colorshifting scheme.

Then came these two with darker to lighter grey drybrushing coats and a black wash. They turned out better than expected. If I come across another box of the plastics this might be the way to paint them all up quicker and easier than all the other quick and easy color schemes.

Finally comes the conversion of the Feral Shadowkesh into a vaguely Alien looking miniature. I assembled the body as normal but snipped off the wing bits leaving only the long stems that look sort of like the tubes on the Alien back. 

The GF9 Alien sprues come with 2 head options per mini so I've got several unused heads. I snipped the spine bit off and trimmed it down at the ends so it would fit as a shortened tail. The head was cleaned up to fit snugly on the Shadowkesh body and the I found a base that I could take advantage of ridges to help stabilize the crawling forward pose. I will have to do a couple more of these conversions with complete tails because it was easy and looks pretty good.

Since the previously completed xenomorphs were nearby, I tossed them together for a look at the more impressive horde. More to come (eventually).


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