Three More GF9 Aliens


The new Gale Force Nine Aliens copme 4 to a sprue, so I glued the other three together and tried some other color variations to see what looks good.

First up we've got this guy with some dark purple drybrushing topped with some light steel drybrushing over the top.

Next is drybrushing of a dark blue with steel drybrushing over the top.

Finally, I think my favorite of this batch, is the drybrushing of rusty red with some steel over the top. I think the next few will be some variations of this scheme because I really like the direction it's heading.

Here are the three new ones with the original two- the hive is growing....

Uh-oh, looks like this might be the end for Faith and Clarkethulu (Hasslefree 'Kitty').


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