Dwarven Forge Painting Returns!


Long long ago I painted up a couple of test batches (here and here) of the Dwarven Forge Dungeon Tiles. I got the unpainted versions because I thought "it'll be fun and easy to paint those up" but the optimism of the time was more an overconfidence. Well no more! I recently saw a prepainted set laid out on a gaming table and the spark was reignited to work on my countless boxes (I could count them, but I really don't need that kind of negativity right now) of the original Dungeon sets and the original Caverns sets (after the caves I decided to stop because there was so much of everything stacking up).

The big focus was a box of Cavern tiles and a box of the Cavern stretch goals. It was a drybrush-palooza from dark grey to a greenish grey to a brown to a lighter brown grey to an off-white then some random pink and other touches here and there. It went pretty quickly with effective results. 

I randomly threw together a cave system with all of the above tiles and put some WarGods of Aegyptus minis in it to simulate an imaginary skirmish/RPG session (see more about this fake adventure at the Duelling Scrolls blog).

Baboons of the villain Cankutarut the Devious block our Heroes exit as their Mistress of Words gathers some mysterious mushrooms only found in the Cave of Aphu-Anhuti. 

Nepthys, the Asar heroine, leads the way to the cavern entrance as her comrades fight their way through the vicious baboons. 

The most intensive focus was on the Neapolitan Dungeon because some dumb guy (me) thought a checkerboard floor would be cool and easy to do. It is cool but the wall and corner tiles needed to have two different patterns to match up correctly. This wasn't discovered until I tried to make a big room. So I doubled the wall sections so everything would fit together properly. I don't think I will do any more with fancy checkerboard floors but different color floors with the basic grey walls are definitely coming.

I didn't have any minis nearby when I set up this dungeon using every piece in the Neapolitan set. It's not a great setup because I was just trying to use everything- BUT the floors all match up the right way!

I've still got a box of the Cavern set and the Cavern stretch goals (which are now done at the time of this writing) as well as several more Dungeon boxes and those stretch goals. This is not the end, merely the beginning of the middle.


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