Two Space Elf Outcast Chicks

I think I'm starting an all-female Eldar Outcast warband of some sort, inadvertently. There was this one from a while ago and now these two new girls. Both of these are simple headswaps because I was not a fan of their original heads. 

First is a Reaper Bones lady with really soft details. I liked the look of her because she reminded me of a cool metal mini from some other company but the actual figure in the Bones plastic wasn't so great looking. So I cleaned her up as best I could and sliced off her head to put on a de-spiked Dark Eldar helmet that I thought would fit well on the body. I tried to use brighter colors than I usually use to make her more vibrant. I think the helmet and hood came out nicely vibrant and I like how the rest is more subdued. 

The other outcast girl is from the original Deadzone Kickstarter by Mantic. The head was not great and seemed a little too small but I liked the body pose. I found a plastic Dark Eldar head that looked like a good fit. I cleaned up the mold lines and stuff as best I could (this was the old Mantic "restic" that was just not good stuff to work with). 

There are a couple of other simple conversions that I've done recently that might fit in with the female Eldar outcast theme that I didn't realize I needed to pursue until these two came to the painting table. And here they are with the earlier female Eldar outcast. 


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