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Tech Bazaar 24 - More Wrecks and a New Tech Tower

It turns out I actually had one more set of the Warmachine wreck markers left as well as a couple of the crashed drones from Oathsworn Miniatures big robot Kickstarter. Since I  had not been making much progress on other painting recently, I decided some scrap heaps might help me back into the painting light. A cobbled together random "tech tower" caught my eye and it got a quick and dirty paintjob to get it finished to help add to the clutter of the Tech Bazaar. This latest 'tech tower' is a collection of various bits of junk glued together to provide some blocking terrain. I've made many of these with varied designs , they are pretty easy to make and paint to look presentable. This one (starting from the ground) starts with an inverted juice (or milk) cap with a tube of some kind pretty sure it was some thick cardboard). The top is a weird square pill bottle with lengths of sprue glued on to break up the flat surfaces. On the top is part of an old gift card cov...

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