Sniper Nun and Targeter Servoskull

My favorite of the Raging Heroes Iron Empire snipers and a targeter servoskull made for the recent Servoskull Saturday. 

This servoskull was made with a plastic skull from GW, a guitar string for the spine, and a couple plastic bits. I knew I wanted to give the Sniper a targeter and Servoskull Saturday was coming, so I looked for some bits. He came together quickly and was finished up late Saturday night.

This Sniper Nun's pose is what prompted me to clean her up and get her ready for painting. I wasn't certain I'd use gold armor on her until I tried it. Her cape was another part that kept her from being finished for several months until I just went for the blue-grey and slopped it on. The trim and interior needed to be red because I think it looks great with the cape.


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