Conquest Old Dominion Strategos

I'm stuck in my ways, mostly, preferring 28-30mm miniatures over various larger scale figures. Thus, Conquest hasn't been something I'm interested in because I don't want to go into larger scale miniatures with the need for bigger terrain and everything. Though some of their monsters would work well as...monsters.

A friend who is very much into Conquest gave me this figure for Christmas and I assembled it a few months ago. It's from the Old Dominion faction and he's pretty cool. But I doubt I'll start an army.

I had no idea how I wanted to paint him. Then I had a flash of inspiration when I put a 28mm figure next to him- a friggin' statue! I've been wanting to try a verdigris effect for some time and this seemed like the time to give it a try. For his sword, face, and the little faces on his shield, I went with a mix of ivory and silver to make those pop out.

Here's how the Strategos statue fits with the regular comparison figures (Raging Heroes Jailbird, Primaris Marine, Victoria Miniatures Highlander). And below he is with some WarGods miniatures. Further below, he's with the Amazon statues that were originally painted here and here.


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