Twinday 2023 Miniatures- Whiptalon and Phantom of the Ufraities

The occasional tradition of finishing two miniatures on my birthday (also the birthday of my niece, so we're twins) continues... this time two Genestealer Cult miniatures. These are both slightly converted to fit in to my eclectic collection. They are not meant to be Genestealer-related any more.

This fearsome figure is the result of what was apparently a joke but I thought it was a good idea for a conversion, so I made it happen. And I've taken to calling him "Whiptalon" because it sounds suitably savage. I've wanted to do some figures that can act as followers of Wanakantaka the mad space god. The Genestealer Hybrid Acolyte bodies seemed like they would best take Nekharu heads from Crocodile Games, and they do. This head certainly fit well with a little greenstuff to fill the gaps. Greenstuff "feathers" around the neck are something that has become a bit of a tradition and they also look appropriate. The only other real modifications were to remove the second set of arms because there's no reason this weirdo needs two sets of arms. He has no name (yet).

For his colors I decided he should be pink skinned and his armor needed to be a mix of aqua and metallic. For his tattered robe I thought a few blocky stripes  would be cool. This guy has a symbol of one of the many branches of Bakka worship

Phantom of the Ufraities is made of parts from the crew of the Genestealer Ridgerunner crew. Simply the female head on the gunner's body. The sniper rifle comes from Heresy Miniatures. I knew something needed to be held by the hand that was meant to be resting on part of the vehicle. It was a process going through many bits to find something that would nicely fit but it paid off.

I kept these bits when I passed the Ridgerunner on because I knew I wanted to do something with the female head and the kneeling body. In my Tech Bazaar setting, there is a huge not-space hulk named the Ufraities that crashed into the desert around what would become the Tech Bazaar. In the debris was a deadly sniper dubbed the Phantom of the Ufraities because she was able to evade all attempts to capture her. This mysterious figure still wanders the debris fields attacking scavengers and treasure hunters alike.


  1. What a fun looking pair of minis. Especially like the Whiptalon - very Dark Crystal "Skeksis" feel to him.

    1. That's what a friend said he wanted for Space Station Zero, a 'space Skesis.' When I did a mock up he thought it was cool, but he was just joking about it.


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