Minismith Roulette 9- Not-Mechanicus Edition


This round of Minismith Roulette gave us 4 miniatures that just needed some focus to finish since they were each about halfway there. 

This roll gave us the "even" side, "row" 6, and "column" 2. This cell had a couple of Reaper little robot guys, a Scibor not-Mechanicus guy that I gave a hook tool to, and an ancient GW pre-Necromunda Tech Ganger that I converted a loooong time ago

These little robots were envisioned as some kind of mini gun servitors. I gave one a weapon arm from some other miniature and the other got an official arm from the pack. I wanted these to look different from the previous Servitors I've painted up, so the blue metallic seemed like a nice change. 

Next up is this little Scibor mini I probably picked up at GenCon years ago. He was just a little hunched over tech guy but I thought he needed a tool or something, so I pinned a little curved rod in his left hand and now he's a guy with more of a purpose. For his hood I knew some checkerboard pattern on the edge would be necessary. I painted the off-white strip first and then used a micron pen to draw the little squares in. I think it turned out nice and looks good with the orange cloak. 

Finally we have the Tech Trooper Hero (not his final name) to lead the Tech Troopers that were finished up last year. He's got lots of reds that came out okay. His blaster and backpack both came out pretty good. 

Below we see the Hero guy and his Tech Trooper minions...


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