Another Antares Assault (C3 and Freeborn)

From Beyond the Gates of Antares this time we have a couple more Concord troopers and a couple Freeborn bodyguards. 

My original thoughts for the plastic original 3 test minis of Concord Troopers was to sort of mimic the 40K Crimson Fist color scheme just because it would be fun. Those first three didn't get red fists, at the time because I just wanted to be done with them. Yet, on these two new guys I decided to go for it and retroactively updated the otest minis.

This guy I presume is a veteran trooper because of the fur on his shoulder. I had intended to do more of a Mandalorian type of thing and batter his armor more, maybe add some pouches. But I decided he looked fine with just the fur added. The red fist was first tried on this guy and I liked it enough to go back and update the first three. His skin is very pale on purpose because I thought it would look good against the red helmet and blue armor.

Next up is this guy who is officially a leader. I decided a yellow helmet with a red stripe will be how any future Concord leadership will be designated. I decided the yellow could go to the kneepads too to make him stand out from the normal guys.

Then we have the Vardanari bodyguards for the Metropolis looking Nu-Hu (she just makes me think of Maria and I don't really like the sculpt even though I've been trying to paint it).  I really like most of the Freeborn sculpts and these two bodyguards are just so cool.

The male bodyguard was actually painted second and benefitted from the lessons of the female sculpt. I thought his cloak should be yellowish so I tried it and it came out okay.

The female bodyguard was the test for the fancy armor. Light blue for the armor and an even lighter blue for her cloak seemed like a good idea. I think the colors look good but it's really hard to tell that her sash is a light purple. 

Let's look at these new miniatures next to some previously painted things. Above we have the C3 Captain and the male Bodyguard with a few Freeborn minis. Below we've got the female Bodyguard and the C3 Veteran with a Voctoria Miniatures Trooper, GW Primaris Marine, and a Raging Heroes Jailbird.


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