Cork Rocky Outcrops


Long long ago I picked up a bagful of round (40mm) cork circles for so cheap I couldn't afford NOT to get them. I haven't really used them until I had this idea.

Superglue held the buildup together as I ripped parts off of the circles and stacked them up to get interesting shapes. I would grab a standard 25mm based mini to see if it would be able to stand on various shelf areas and then I set the outcroppings aside to dry.

The next step was a coat of texture paste (baking soda, small flock, and thinned glue) to fill gaps and strengthen the cork. They sat overnight to dry.

The final painting stages were just gradually drybrushing from a dark brown to greys to a couple of lighter browns. The final look is bland enough for almost any setting. 

I still have a lot of these round cork pieces that may be turned into more outcroppings, unless I get another idea for what to do with them.


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