Dronefest Wave 3


Mainly metal drones this time, and the majority came from my Antares Cornucopia. 

These Antares spotter drones are metal and came with separate tail pieces that I decided did not need to be attached because they looked cool without it. I like the plastic versions that have the tail already attached, the separate metal tail just seemed like an unnecessary bit. The red version was first painted because I felt like an all-red one would be good.

Next came these two aqua/yellow drones. I wanted something totally different from previous color schemes and I thought this combo would be an interesting retro style. 

Next we have a couple Boromite probes. I like their shape and they're kind of like small versions of the Boromite heavy weapon I'm painting. For the colors I wanted something different from most of the previous drones I've recently completed so the sort of rusty orange seemed like a fun choice. 

The last of the Antares drones in this batch is from the Isorian NuHu and looks very biomechanical. It took some time to decide on colors (the faded pink looks more organic) and this was the last of this whole batch of drones. 

From the Sedition Wars Kickstarter we've got a shield and gun drone to finally complete the first trio of drones (I've got three more that may get painted, eventually). 

I wanted to match the previously painted spotter drone and then ended up touching it up a bit.

This is the second of two drones from the Oathsworn Kickstarter from some time ago. The first was painted up to accompany the Freeborn Shefdu. This one is not meant to accompany anyone in particular so I tried to make it pretty generic colors to fit in almost anywhere. 

And finally there's this little guy from the Havoc Protocol Kickstarter (I was inspired to finish him up after the latest Minismith Roulette roll but those figures are still in progress). 

There will be another Dronefest eventually, because I'm a little obsessed with these little minis now.


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