Three Trench Pilgrims

An official Trench Pilgrim, from the Trench Crusade Kickstarter, and a couple of kitbashes that could be any random guys you might run into on the battlefield. 

First is a Victoria Miniatures guy with a Frostgrave Cultist head and Dreamforge Games tilt shield. This and the next guy were from a load of slightly imperfect resin casts that Victoria Miniatures occasionally offer as Scrapper bags. I had a spark of inspiration that would be an excellent source of Trench Crusade troopers (pilgrims, heretics, whatever). Really simply process of roughly painting and then splashing a wash. Finally a little bit of highlights to finish him off. He might not be dirty enough. 

This other Victoria Miniatures guy has a cooler head, but I feel like I need to go back and redo his mouth area. Again, simple dirty paintjob with a wash and highlights. He's probably too clean too. But they were both pretty quick. 

Finally, the official Trench Pilgrim. I love all his little trinkets. I hadn't realized the chain on his neck with the lock until I got into painting him. That inspired my use of the convict trooper torsos for the two guys above.  I had to snip off the bayonet because it would not stay straight. I figured it was better to take it off than have it curved to one side or the other.

I need to make some more possible Trench Pilgrims/general trench fighters out of the various plastic and resin bits I have laying around. 


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