Samurai-Type Stuff 2 - 3 Female Samurai

From Hasslefree, Bombshell, and some boardgame, come three female samurai, probably for Hametsu. 

A local game shop had an assortment of various plastic miniatures from different boardgames for a buck each. I had to dig through them and came across this interesting figure that is now complete.

This lady from Bombshell Miniatures came from their first Kickstarter and, along with most of those great minis, has sat unpainted in a box since then. Every now and then I would come across her while looking for something else and think  "I should paint her up" only to put her back because there was something else I was actively looking for. This time, while looking for things that would work for Hametsu, she got chosen. I'm glad she finally got some paint and she turned out okay.

This Hasslefree miniature has been primed and awaiting paint for a very long time. When a friend got me interested in Hametsu, I dug her out and cleaned up the dust and abuse on the meager paint.

I had originally wanted to do her kimono with a design like this art print I used to own, but instead went with the more abstract design that I think turned out pretty good. Her face turned out okay, not as good as I wanted.

Above,  size comparison with the Raging Heroes Jailbird and a Primaris Marine. Below, with a couple of the recent Wrath of Kings miniatures. 

Here we have the samurai girls against the recent Bones Goblins.


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