Zoat and Two Barracudii


These three were finished within a few days of each other and the Barracudii colors borrow a little from the Zoat. So they are joined together in this orangey-hued glorious update.

Long ago was a little Oldhammer-style Kickstarter for various minis based on Rogue Trader era art (the Space Fishman was part of that same Kickstarter). This not-Zoat has been partially painted for some time, but I was frozen with indecision on what colors to finish him up with until I saw a recently painted official Zoat figure in a reddish color scheme. That gave me the spark I needed to carry on and finish him.

I went with shades of orange since I don't really use orange much, aside from various rusty bits. For the armor/cyber implant bits and weapon I decided a simple titanium metallic. Of course, his weapon needed neon-green glowy bits. I've decided that he's going to need some sort of drone companion because of the controller thing in his right hand. I have not yet decided what it will be.

Here we have the size comparison lineup with the Raging Heroes Jailbird, Primaris Marine, and Victoria Miniatures Highland Trooper.

Next comes these two converted Deepmen Kaxes from the Wrath of Kings CMON Kickstarter. I wanted some more alien types for INQ28 types of situations (and now Space Station Zero end Stargrave) and I turned to the ton of untouched Wrath of Kings minis to find something that would look cool with a weapon swap.

This guy was first, given a Victoria Miniatures bolter. He sat primed on the painting table for several months until I decided he needed a buddy. It was suggested that they be painted "shrimp color" which evolved to the brighter pink they ended up as.

This second guy got a full hand swap from a Necromunda Orlock bit, I like that their weapons are different. As I started painting these guys I decided this one needed a scanner or something in his open left hand. A quick search through some bits uncovered a Tau thing that looked kind of like a radio or scanner, so it was glued into place and painting could begin. For the Barracudii armor bits I wanted sort of a coral look. If I convert any more of these guys I'll definitely add in some darker speckles here and there to give the armor a bit more character.

Here are the Barracudii with the usual size comparison suspects. I didn't realize they were as big as the Primaris, but that means they're impressive as hired muscle.

Finally, a little BONUS size comparison with the recently completed Ravaged Star "Daughters of the Night."


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