Alyrak, Teulin Monk

The martial order of the Teulin monks is loosely run with a focus on lone monks, or small groups, travelling from spire to spire committing acts of charity and justice for the common people. They are meant to serve until their souls can no longer carry on in the mortal realm. This leads many of the monks to adopt mechanical replacements for missing limbs and organs until they become almost completely cybernetic beings, still dedicated to the mission of their order. Alyrak is one such monk.

Some minor conversion work turned this Star Wars Legion Magnaguard into something else to join the growing band of techno-feudal knights. 

The head and tabard come from Maxmini resin bits that I thought would help hide his origins a little.  As I was assembling him I knew I wanted to do a headswap but had no idea what to use. It was only after I realized he could be a not-Friar Tuck sort of guy because of his electrostaff. When I found a sprue of medieval high tech helmets I chose this one because it was the most plain, fitting for a cybermonk. But he needed something else- that's when I chose the tabard. A tiny bit of greenstuff for the "belt" and he was ready for painting.

Above we have a couple of the recently finished techno-feudal space knights with Alyrak- I like that he stands about a head taller than both of them (Star Wars Legion droids fit in any scale because robots). Below we have Alyrak facing off against a monster he may have to fight on the tabletop soon.


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