Nek-Ghar-u Conversions

What do you get when you combine the vulture-headed Nekharu from WarGods of Aegyptus and the weird little Ghar from Beyond the Gates of Antares? You get these little dudes that I haven't decided on a name for yet.

For ages I've wanted some Nekharu with a sci-fi bent to them because it just seemed like a cool idea (or glorified memories of the vulture guy from Thundercats?). I've kept a little baggy with some Nekharu and various possible plastic arm bits for over a decade but never find the proper angle to come at it. Then the miracle of the Antares Cornucopia happened at Adepticon 2023, and I found myself with a box of Ghar Outcasts. 

Since I already have a lot of Nekharu heads, I decided that chopping off the Ghar heads and putting the vulture heads on would be a fun little experiment. It was...

This guy came first and I learned that although I love the aqua blue color for many things (way too many things) it didn't quite work with his blue-gray jumpsuit. So the jumpsuit was changed to orange and I was happy with that look but I decided to make a change for the next guys.

Tthis other stoic guy (the 'boring' head is the one I seem to have the most of). I switched the skin color to a more tropical blue with a little light prple mixed in for highlights and I think that works better. There might be additional changes to the skin in the next batch of vulture-Ghar. 

Finally we have the leader who got a screaming head because it fit so well with hispose. I really like how he turned out. It wasn't until I saw these pictures that I realized they kind of look like little mnions of a certain Chaos God from a well-known miniatures game- that was totally unintentional.

Here's a look at these little guys with some other Antares minis above (Concord Trooper, Freeborn Boromite, and a Ghar Rebel Black Guard) and the usual standard 28mm miniatures I use for these linups below (Victoria Miniatures, Raging Heroes, and GW).


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