First Batch of Fish for Fishing28


I've been looking for bits and pieces to use for my Fishing28 obsession. I had a few cheap jewelry charms of fish or other aquatic things 

First up is the tail of a mutant miniature from the Trinity Battleground boardgame from a long time ago. I liked the mix of armor and tentacles so this is probably some sort of delicious squid/eel thing.

This one started out as a whale tail pendant. I snipped off the ring and cut the base at a bit of an angle. I built up around the tail with glue to get the ripple effects. 

Next is a random turtle charm, I picked up a lot of these for very cheap. Its simple and something else to have swimming around on the water board. 

Finally is an old Warhammer Skink cut down to be swimming. I recently saw pictures of someone's converted unit of these figures like this on more swampy bases and it jogged my memory that I had a few skunks in my bits collection. I've done up another one that's more underwater. 

Here we've got some pictures of these first "fish" on the fishing board with the completed fishers...


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