Commander Fartok Battlesuit


At Adepticon 2023 the Warlord booth had a huge tub full of Antares stuff marked with deep discounts. I did not see it until Sunday (last year I was disappointed when I asked about Antares and they said they didn't bring any to the show). I got a chance to shift through it and picked out a few things that I thought would be cool to paint up. One of the guys joked that he'd let me have it all for $100...then about a half hour before the vendor hall closed he found me and made the offer for real. There was a ton of stuff in there that I normally would not have been interested in but now I have a lot of cool minis (some will be going up on ebay) that I am still a little shocked about. 

There were maybe 8 Ghar Rebel Commander Fartok boxes so I decided I should put one of them together even though I have never really been excited about the Ghar battlesuit design- that was before I put this resin and metal figure together. I wasn't a fan of the tentacles for his right hand so I took some plastic Tyranid claws to give him a power claw there. 

Fartok himself was holding up what I think is a maglash that I also wasn't a fan of- c'mon buddy, you're driving a chunky piece of equipment so you should avoid distractions. I snipped off the parts of the maglash and positioned the arm so he was holding on tight. 

While editing these pictures I realized there are a couple of the 'lights' that need a little cleanup, so that's happening in a moment. His color scheme is close enough to the recent two Black Guard figures so that there will be something to tie them together in case I decide to expand the Ghar force (there are a few boxes of the plastic battlesuit that I'm looking forward to assembling). 

Here we have Fartok in a lineup with some other Antares figures (Plastic Freeborn, metal Ghar Black Guard, Plastic Concord, metal Freeborn Boromite). Below we've got some non-Antares figures (Diehard Miniatures, Star Wars Imperial Assault, GW Primaris, Victoria Miniatures).

So what next from the cornucopia of Antares minis? I have no idea but I'm pretty stoked.


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