Half Dozen Sci-fi Adventurers

I had hoped to spend a day over the weekend painting all 6 of these minis but only the 4 alien guys got finished. The 2 ladies were close but needed another day or so of attention. Most of these figures are from the AE Bounty line of miniatures unless noted below. 

First up was an alien dude with some armor. I wanted to do something a bit different than usual so I went with yellow for his armor. 

Next came this little psycho I've named Blorgg the Florg.Originally his skin was going to be yellow but it didn't look good with the colors of his outfit. So he got a light green that makes him look sorta like a frog.

This next guy had a separate head that was just not very interesting. I had some extra Beyond the Gates of Antares Freeborn plastic heads and decided to give him one of those to make him more interesting. His left hand looked different enough from his right that I decided it was a cyber arm (maybe that explains the ring thing on that arm) so it got painted metallic.

The last one of the AE Bounty figs is one I really wanted to paint for years but it wasn't really needed for anything specific so I kept avoiding it. It was fun to paint up the big head and the weird modular weapon. 

This lady is from Stargrave or Rogue Stars. She had an integral base that needed to be removed and she got pinned to a Necromunda base. I tried to make her leggings look a little worn but they really needed to be the neon color. 

Finally we've got this old Warmachine figure that I really like (not sure if it's just because she was sculpted by Kev White). She got her tab snipped and also went ont a Necromunda base because I thought it fit her look. Rather than going crazy with colors I went with mainly browns and greys for her outfit. 

I've got a handful more of the AE Bounty miniatures that may need to get the same stunt treatment so that my sci-fi mini population can grow even more.


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