First Batch of Drone Swarms

I've had a couple little bags full of these little 3d printed drones from Last Stand Convertibles for quite some time. Space Station Zero and the Tech Bazaar project could both use some random drone swarms so I finally decided to see if my theoretical basing scheme would work in reality.

These "boomerang" style drones are much more substantial than the other style. I have not yet decided if each batch of these will get different coloring. I like how these turned out. 

I think I like these "bat" style drones most because of their more dangerous look. 

Here we've got the drones with various normal sized miniatures. Above with a Raging Heroes Jailbird, an Antares Concord trooper, and a Hasslefree Grymn. Below with a scratchbuilt servoskull, the Primaris Marine, and an Oathsworn drone. 

There are still a bunch of drones left in the little baggies and one can never have enough tiny swarm enemies to deal with...


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