Boba Fett

One of the first miniatures I painted back in the last century was a tiny Boba Fett from the West End Games Star Wars RPG. Sadly that mini is no longer in my possession, but luckily the properly scaled Imperial Assault line of miniatures has a nice Boba Fett sculpt that I have finally painted.

I prefer to rebase the Imperial Assault minis onto other more standard bases from their integral bases. This base is a resin 3D printed thing from some unknown source. It looked fitting for Boba to be skulking about on.

The paint scheme is not necessarily screen accurate (and the question is- which screen since the outfit has changed between all official appearances). I used my distant memories of the Kenner action figure version (also no longer in my possession) as my main reference. I even tried to freehand a little tiny mythosaur badge on his left shoulder pad. It gives the basic impression of the myhtosaur skull rather than an accurate reproduction.


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