Gil Masharl, Travelling Biologist

From the first World of Twilight/Anyaral Kickstarter, the special character figure (the resin version) is finally done! 

So long have I come back to him and then abandoned him after a smattering of colors. I recently spied him again and put him on the edge of the main painting area. After one of the painting handles was cleared, it was finally time for Gil to be finished.

His little passenger had to have some ancient Ral Partha neon magenta to make it more exotic. 

The little cylindrical cages got various blue shades to make them look more alien metal or whatever material they're made of. 

For Gil's skin, I started with a darker red-brown then mixed in some lighter browns to finish off the skin. I really like how he turned out and I'm happy that he's done now. There are lots of little animals that I've been waiting to paint until Gil was done, I guess I'll need to start working on them soon.

The dinosaur-like civilization miniatures of Anyaral are what drew me to the Kickstarter. Here's how Gil fits in with some other 28mm figures- above are the regular scale team; below we've got a few Antares miniatures, because maybe they could be used as a new alien race in that setting. 


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