Three Menacing Monsters

These three have all been hanging around primed for only a few months (unlike scores of other impatient minis) but once one was completed the other two quickly fell to my paintbrushes. 

This feral vampire-looking monster is actually called a Dark Demon from the Conan miniatures boardgame Kickstarter. It was the second one of this trio finished. The sculpt reminded me of those old Warhammer vampires, but there were some rough parts on this guy.

 For some reason I knew from the start I wanted his hands and feet to be a different color than the rest of his body. I decided blue and pink would look the best. For a pretty fast paintjob (after the initial start a month or so ago) I think he came out okay. 

Here we've got the man-at-arms, Morzon, fighting this feral vampire thing.

The first of the trio to be completed was this big spiky skeleton guy from the Mantic Deadzone Kickstarter. When I first saw this figure it reminded me of a really old Warzone/Mutant Chronicles figure called a "carcass suit" so that's sort of how I tried to paint it. It was mainly drybrushing up to the lightest colors then hit with a wash and touched up. I really like how this behemoth came out. 

Here we've got Duke Urbarra facing down the spiky bone guy.

The final miniature to be completed is this Nurgle (I really think he gives off more of a Slaaneshi vibe, though) tentacley guy from the special Kill Team Rogue Trader box. It's my favorite of the Nurgle things from that box and I wasn't sure how to paint it for a long time. Finally I just started in on his tentacles and worked on from there. 

For some number of years I've been obsessed with various shades of aqua blue and since this guy gave me an aquatic feel I thought that would be great to use for him. His tentacles needed to be pinkish, though and I think they came out pretty good. Originally he had a little guy trying to escape the hole in his gut- I didn't like that look so I cut him out and added some guitar string bis to make some new tentacles. For the big glob of stuff he's stepping on I decided it should be some kind of toxic blob and I extended it on the base a bit with putty.

Here we've got Dame Fiona and Snugg taking on the tentacley guy.


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