First Two Space Gnolls

A mix of fantasy Gnolls with various modern/scifi bits to get mangy bad guys for sci-fi games.there are 3 more bodies on the Frostgrave plastic sprue that I now need to assemble to finish off a tiny band.

This first guy has a resin AK from Maxmini, I think. He's breaking the fourth wall sort of because I thought it would look cool and I misjudged how long the AK was when I was putting it on his arm. Happy little accidents. I decided on this one that the space Gnolls were going to have to have various orangey hair to make them stand out from other space ruffians. 

This guy took a bit of tinkering to figure out how to give him a Victoria Miniatures AK. I think he the pose works well. His mask was supposed to be more brightly green but it looks pretty good with this more grungy look. 

Even though they're not taller than most normal 28mm figures I decided they needed to go onto 30mm bases because they looked too cramped on a 25mm base. The other figures in the lineup are- (left to right) Victoria Cthood, Victoria space witch, Raging Heroes Jailbird. 

While a huge horde of these guys would be a sight on the tabletop, I think they might work with the Veermyn (space ratmen) when their objectives align...


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