4Ground Shipping Container

Nothing painted, this time, just a laser-cut pre-painted terrain piece.

From 4Ground, this shipping container took a little over an hour to assemble.

I picked this up at GenCon 2018 because I wanted more varied shipping containers (I think I have 3 of the original Reaper Bones containers and then the 3 different sized ones from the most recent Bones 4 Kickstarter). It's prepainted which seemed like a plus.

Here we have some comparison shots with the original Reaper Bones container design. I think they look pretty good together.

The 4Ground container has opening doors AND a removable section of the roof! Hasslefree Space Girl and others to show a size comparison with 28mm figures.

I picked up a few other laser cut shipping containers from another company, but these aren't pre-painted and I haven't gotten around to looking at them yet.


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