Hunger Games Minis?

So at Walgreen's the other day I came across their clearance aisle and there were some shiny little bags that said Hunger Games Collectible Figures on them for $.49 each. I thought "hmmm- I'll get a few and see  if they might sell on ebay for a buck or two." When I started doing my research on them I found out that they're basically clix without the dial (a large pedestal instead). At that price I decided I needed to clear out the store because they could always be used as ultramodern/sci-fi civilians if they didn't sell.

I was surprised that I hadn't heard anything about these before I saw them in the store. The figures are not bad and the variety of shapes and sizes could provide a lot of civilians for the spaceport or to rescue from the robot terrorists or whatever. Some even have weapons so they're ready for the space-zombie virus outbreak...
Above are 3 of the duplicates I got. The one in the middle is a female. The guy on the left has a bag and a kopesh-like blade.

Here's a lineup with various 28mm figures: (l-r) Early Eldar Captain; District 11 Male; Warzone 2nd Ed Ilian Templar; District 10 Female; Void Female Marine Sgt conversion; District 6 Male; Wargames Factory Shock Trooper multi-part plastic. Those pedestals have to go...

So I carefully removed these two females from their pedestals and put them on 25mm round bases. The one on the left had a short knife in her right hand. The pose needed a pistol of some sort because I picture her as a spy or detective or something. the pistol is a Wargames Factory Shock Trooper pistol removed from the plastic arm. I think it fits well.

Now all that remains (aside from repainting the figures) is figuring out what to do with the leftover pedestals...

I'm open to other suggestions, but I'm thinking floating platform thingies. I'm just not yet sure the best way to make them float...


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