Bennu and Percipiant- Minis for WarGods and Beyond

A "red peacock" or Bennu for the Monsters of Ægyptus project!

It's a Forge of Ice peacock mini painted to be a not-phoenix. I was inspired by Alex's latest posted pics of a painted one of these in traditional peacock colors to finally finish my non-traditional red version...

Then something that's been sitting around unfinished for years and years. This is the Percipiant, more on the background of it elsewhere and later. The piece is the back disk-thingy from the Chronopia Stygian Priestess. It was painted up first long before I decided to do something totally different with the Priestess.

It's been sitting around for over ten years waiting to be called up for some purpose or other. I decided to base it as an objective marker or something. More info will eventually be posted over in the Duelling Scrolls blog...


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