Minismith Roulette 7- Sedition Wars Techno Zombies

 To start off November's painting journey I decided it was time for another round of Minismith Roulette. Rolling dice to figure out what to paint per the Minismith Roulette guidelines was a change from more recent focused painting projects.

This roll brought me to one of the "double cells" in the box. This large cell was jammed with perhaps a dozen zombie-like miniatures from various sources. I chose these 5 Sedition Wars techno-zombies (officially known as 'the Strain').

I painted up a handful of these techno zombies when the Sedition Wars Kickstarter arrived back in 2013(?!?) but then lost momentum. So this gave me a nice reason to get back to these few that had been started back then. I went for a quicker paintjob than usual to get them all done (they should be in a horde, so this makes sense).

Here are comparisons of the original figures I painted and these newly completed guys. I tried to repose the duplicates so they don't look completely the same.

So now I've got 9 painted Strain techno zombies for use wherever they're needed (Space Station Zero comes to mind). I think they look pretty good.


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