Rogue Cybermancer's Servitors

The Rogue Cybermancer needed some different style Servitors for his little warband. I had some historical minis from various sources that I thought would make good base figures.

The first two of these Servitors were based on some Zulu bodies from Wargames Factory. This first guy got arms from the Mechanicus Electro Priests kit and a head from Wargames Factory Shock Troopers. But he needed something else to make him more cyborg-y. I decided a length of plastic rod sticking out of his back would help. Also some antennae sticking out of his shoulder added to his cyborgness. 

This second Zulu body got arms from a Dark Eldar kit (I keep thinking he's originally a farming Servitor who moved bales of hay). He got a different Wargames Factory Shock Trooper head and a plastic rod in his back too.

This third guy is based on a Perry Miniatures Aztec Warrior body. His big gun is from a Mechanicus kit because the Cybermancer needed some heavy support. His head is a modified Void plastic miniature.


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