Servitor Sentry Kitbash

I've got a few of these Maxmini rocket launchers, one was used to do a servoskull version of this concept previously.

I'm not sure where the idea for this guy came from, but it hit me hard and I had to act on it quickly. I have several Necron torsos and knew one of these should be the body. The head came from a Stargrave kit. I wanted to have one arm and one collection of cables. A sprue of Perry Aztecs (I think) provided a nice spear arm which added to the character of the servitor. 

On the base, I added part of a plastic slotta tab and a similarly wide offcut of a wooden coffee stirrer. Some flock and baking soda were used to give some debris texture to the base.

The torso was painted blue because I haven't used blue on a servitor for some time. The weathering came out pretty good. For the rocket launcher, I went with a lighter shade of green than the previous one with the servoskull, but it's still green because that's now the standard color for these.

Above, a size comparison with a Raging Heroes Jailbird and a Primaris Marine. Below we have 'Calamari' a mostly Victoria Miniatures Cthood veteran with the servitor sentry. 


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