Rackham Ruin, Olde Resin Craters, and Sandbags

This terrain is not for anything special, just some stuff that had been languishing in the primed stuff pile that finally got a little attention.

First, let's take a look at these two humble sandbag pieces. I'm pretty sure they came from a Warzone/Mutant Chronicles terrain set with several other trench pieces. I'm not sure whatever happened to the other trench pieces, but I know I painted them.

I used some darker browns and then drybrushed some reddish-brown for the dirt. The sandbags started with a dark grey and were drybrushed up to a desert sand. I slopped a wash all over and drybrushed with the lightest colors. For the tiny craters, I added a watered down black because of explosions that created them.

Next up are these craters, also from that Warzone resin terrain set. I'm pretty sure there was another one of them that's also disappeared. The dirt color was my attempt to match the older pieces from memory- these probably look a lot better.

These used the same basic colors and method as the dirt for the sandbags above. For the little puddles, I wanted them to be a dark green, but I used several different greens to get there. 

During some long ago GenCon, when Rackham Miniatures was still around, they were giving away these little ruin terrain pieces. It was prepainted mainly in greens and whitish for the stone bits. It looked fine, but I always wanted to repaint it to make it look a little better. When I came across this piece in the terrain box, I knew it would be useful as some sort fo shrine to the Great Bakka, Dragon Cosmic. I like how the dragon on the top turned out.

Special thanks to the Beyond the Gates of Antares miniatures who have helped show off the size of these terrain bits. We have a Ghar Battlesuit, a Freeborn Vardanari, and a C3 Trooper.


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