Robots and not-Cybermen

The sexy female iBot from Antenociti's Workshop.

From Reaper's Chronoscope, this little guy will make a good robot civilian or sidekick for some sci-fi adventurer.

A slightly converted Dreadball robot player with a Dreamforge Stormtrooper weapon. I got the idea from somewhere on the net, thanks to whoever that was!I'll probably do more of these.

Another idea from someone on the net, not-Cybermen from the plastic Void 1.1 box set of plastic minis. I gave them an alternate head from the Wargames Factory Shock Troopers that looks kind of ominous. A simple paint job of silvers and the Biotronics were born.

The Biotronics in action against the D1Ks (not-Daleks) above and some time-tripping adventurers below.

And yesterday I got my Macrocosm Malignancy (not-Genestealer Cult) minis from their Kickstarter. I'll probably be getting some test figs painted up soon.


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