SCARAB Project- 3- Inside and Sealed

The screw has been turned and the outside is ready to be painted. Before the screw was tightened and the body sealed I decided that the inside should have some surprises for future generations who might crack the hull open...

Since there IS a big hole in the bottom through which the insides might be seen by very observant/obsessive people I decided to give them a nice show. The big fluorescent reddish/pink panel is meant to represent the glow from whatever the main energy source is. The little green areas are supposed to be various sensor things. And then there's the writing and main control panel...

At the top- my hieroglyphic signature (CBP3) that may also end up somehow being the secret name of this SCARAB. To the right and left are a couple of hieroglyphic statements that are easy to do and satisfying-looking-- let's say they're prayers or spells for good luck and strength. At the bottom is the main control panel with readouts on several things and lots of data-flow hieroglyphs and a radar-type display...

A few views of the tightly closed body of the SCARAB. Now 'just' I need to figure out the best colors to use to make it look pretty good on the tabletop....

Here we've got a 'Sobekite Rebel' (Crocodile Games Sebeki converted and painted as an Ægypton V Rebel) next to the SCARAB to show how it looks with a figure...


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