Painted Mixed Bag 18

Another mixed bag of miniatures finished up over the last month or so. Everything from pirates to servoskulls and even an Astropath...

First up, a dread musket-armed pirate by Foundry. Just a simple quick paintjob. I'm not even sure where I got all the Foundry pirates I have previously painted, and I still have a handful of them unpainted.

And a slightly fancier dread pirate from Foundry. This guy has a fancy metal peg leg. Another simple quick paintjob.

Another #servoskullsaturday entry, this is another in the torch-skull series. He may be the best one yet, because I'm learning each time I make one how to make them better. With this guy, I guess that brings the whole torch-skull fleet to 5. I've got at least that many torches that I plan to use, eventually.

Oh my, yet another #servoskullsaturday entry. Not a torch-skull, but a candle-skull! When I came across this bit from the olde (WFB) plastic Empire Wizards kit, I kept it out in the staging area for bits right by my water cups. It's really a horible idea to keep any tiny bits there, because it's a high traffic area for paint pots and hands and brushes. Things have gone missing from there before. But I knew I wanted to do a servoskull with it. I made the eye-stalk really long to add a bit more absurdity to it. The paintjob turned out pretty good. I like him.

I've painted this figure before, but I got a couple extras of her when I got a couple of scrap bag deals from Victoria Miniatures. I fixed this one up the best I could and painted her as a different Astropath House. She was an attempt to do a quicker, but still nice, paintjob. Not too bad.

That does it for another Mixed Bag of miniatures...


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