Personal Victoria Challenge Part 3 - Penal Troopers
What all have we completed for this update? Only a trio of Penal Troopers. Instead of taking on a larger batch of them, I decided 3 at a time might be more manageable. Even doing a more quick and dirty paintjob on these took longer than I had hoped, though. I tried to keep their front and back "numbers" the same, but mainly it was just random lines meant to look like some sort of non-English characters.
This first guy got a helmeted head. I made his helmet green to add to the jumble of equipment in the unit so far, they are criminals from all over the place and I wanted to reflect that in their mix of all kinds of gear. Plus, I prefer to paint minis (even members of a 'unit' with a little bit of their of their style.
This next guy has a furry hat and a cool chained set of arms with his lasgun. I gave him the bedroll to help cover up a big air bubble in the resin in the waist area. Sometimes the scrapper bag bits help lead to an interesting use of other bits.
And here we've got these three new Penal Troopers with a the six previously painted, I think they fit in well enough.
How much closer to the goal will we get before the end of the year? Maybe there will be an unexpected explosion of painting energy, maybe not. We shall see...
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