The Nikrawd - Weirdo Servitor Kitbash

Inspired by a few INQ28 conversions I've seen for years, this guy came together from various bits off and on over the course of a day. What does he do? Well, it's complicated, but he's basically a walking recharging station or possibly a datavore. I just wanted something out of the ordinary and I think he fits the bill. 

I wanted to use some of the many pen needle caps I've collected for years and years, to make armored plates. The subtle arc of the armor plates makes me think of a shrimp. 

The armored shell came first. Then the body- from some Mechanicus trooper legs and a random torso from a Technolog kit. His arms are from some historical Viking or Saxon kit, just plain and a little undersized. 

The hanging cables came from various broken charging cables and earbuds. There was a nice mix of sizes and I love how they hang down. These had some cloth mesh that I felt bad about throwing out, but I couldn't figure out a use for them. 

Above, we have the usual size comparison minis with the Nikrawd. Below, the Wandering Techpriest and his Apprentice approach the Nikrawd for power or data or something. 


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