Lady Dhee and Drang Ironhull

A couple of miniatures that were really fun to paint up, and they have a use of yellows on parts... 

From one of the early Black Crab Kickstarters (Necropolis Royalty?), we have Lady Dhee with her servoskull. She must be part of Lady Makbekh's warband of fallen nobles.

I've been using a lot of yellows lately, not sure what that's all about, but they've turned out pretty good. At first I was going to paint her gloves like skin, but it was looking way too creepy, so I mixed in some aqua blue paint and they look a bit like cleaning or surgical gloves. Her fancy hat had to be some kind of purple and I think it came out pretty good. I used the same purple mix for her servoskull's little dress so they match. Instead of a more checkerboard pattern along the bottom of Dhee's dress, I went with single blocks.

From the excellent Space Scrappers Kickstarter, we've got a space dwarf Rogue Trader leader guy, Drang Ironhull. 

Again with the yellow, but it ties back to the test figures for the other Space Scrappers. His main armor, though is my favorite aqua-blue for that retro look. His sword got some nice color shifting metallic paint, but it doesn't really show up in these pictures.

Here's Drang with the other completed Space Scrapper space dwarves.

Finally, we have both of these new minis with our regular size comparison minis (Raging Heroes, GW, Victoria Miniatures). 


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