Renegade Battle Robot

For years I've wanted to do something to a couple of these old Heroscape robot miniatures. Uncle Atom of the Tabletop Minions YouTube channel has often discussed a setting with abandoned battle robots wandering an ancient battlefield, this was an inspiration for this specific bot.

I started out by snipping off the arms and looking for replacement arms. The left arm comes from a pack of resin Spellcrow space ork arms. The big blaster was given a longer barrel with the distinctive angled tip, made of plastic rod and a juicebox straw. Some cool GW engine bit fit almost perfectly on the back. I added a cable of twisted thin wire from the engine to the armpit because that area seemed too bare. And the skull is some other GW bit.

The color choices were inspired by some of the models from this awesome INQ28 event from 2014. Seeing pictures of that event back in 2014 helped to heavily influence what would become my Tech Bazaar project. On the left shoulder pad, I went with some red with three off-white triangles. Then came the weathering with washes and sponged on metallics. I was able to resist going too heavily with the weathering and I think it turned out pretty good.

Above we have a size comparison with a Victoria Miniatures and a Primaris Marine. Below, we have a couple of bigger figures. And further below a couple more 28mm figures that are associated with the Tech Bazaar, Hasslefree Miniatures Space Girl and the Wandering Techpriest.


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