Rogue Trader with Cyber Owl

A couple years ago I got several random 3d printed miniatures from various Etsy stores. This one was a free choice after getting a couple of other things. I thought there was a good conversion to make her a Rogue Trader or Inquisitrix. And now she's done...with a cyber owl.

My first action was to snip off the tactical rock under her left foot. This led to the need to find a fancy base where her stance would fit. Luckily one of the fancy plastic MicroArt Studios/Coll Mini bases.

The conversion was basically adding a couple of lengths of plastic rod. One is a cable from the cape to her belt, the other tiny length became a cyber eye for the cyber owl. The other bit of the conversion is the techy bit on the owl's back.

I tried to put a design on the middle of her skirt, but i got frustrated and gave up on it. But the rest of the painting went well. I'm especially happy with the cyber owl's blueish feathers.

Here we've got the new Rogue Trader with our regular size comparison team. And below, we have the Rogue Trader with an Inquisitrix and the enigmatic Captain Damocles.


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