Reaper Bones Goblins- Batch 1

I backed the first three or four Reaper Bones Kickstarters and had tons of cheap miniatures that I've given to folks looking to start miniature painting and sold off others on ebay. Yet I still have lots. Some have been painted up here and there and I've got crazy plans to convert and paint up the various civilian miniatures for sci-fi gaming (that might never actually happen). Another such plan has been to do something with the scores of lil' goblin bastards (and kobolds). Well it has finally begun.

These first 5 goblins are not the original white Bones but the later grey material, so they're a little better quality. That said, they're not the sharpest sculpts. My paintjobs on these guys was pretty quick and dirty followed by a dark wash and then some quick highlights here and there. They turned out okay, especially to act wherever they might be needed as numerous bad guys in various games (I did not mention the samurai monster hunting game, Hametsu).

The basic lil' guys with their various weapons have only gotten a few colors shared across them all. I wanted to avoid green skin because it's not really that compelling to me anymore. I picked up a nice reddish skin paint by Vallejo (Succubus Skin) that thought might look good.

I decided their main cloth color would be a yellow. A medium grey and a light brown were the other colors that are shared across this batch. I guess the metallic colors are mainly shared too.

The hero, or boss, or whatever, did have some better details, but his big sword was terribly floppy. I decided to fix that by putting some superglue on each side of  the blade and sprinkling some baking soda as it was held straight. This gave a little texture to the blade but also helped keep it relatively straight. 

Plans to grow the goblin horde are continuing. After finishing these 5 I got 5 more prepped and based on 25mm bases. The next batch has two "character" types and a few more standard goblins with a mix of weapons. I know they'll get the same skin color and I'll work yellow into their clothing.

Above, the Cyber Lady Samurai prepares to cut through this small patrol of goblins! Below, the standard size comparison crew (Victoria Miniatures Highlander, GW Primaris, and Raging Heroes Jailbird).


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