Raging Heroes - Faceless Mother


From one of the Raging Heroes Kickstarters, the Iron Empire Faceless Mother.

One of the first Raging Heroes figures I put together, but then she kept getting shifted around on the painting table with occasional attention. She suffered the loss of her right hand somehow, so found a suitable replacement from the Dreamforge Games Eisenkern kits. Now it looks like she's casting a spell or giving a blessing or something.

I did a few progressively lighter layers of blue drybrushing then focused on the non-blue details before giving her a dark wash. Then I returned with some highlighting to make certain areas pop more. I think she turned out better than if I had continued to try to paint her perfectly.

Below we've got a comparison shot with the Raging Heroes Jailbird, Victoria Miniatures Highlander, and GW Primaris.


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