Sci-Fi Mixed Bag 15

This mixed bag is mainly 3d prints of civilians that I'm glad to be done with. There are a  few of these that I actually liked, though (mainly the non-humans). Mostly these were quick and dirty paintjobs to get them off the painting table because they had outstayed their welcome.

First up are these five less detailed civilians. They were cheap and I wanted to add more non-combatants to various sci-fi settings (the spaceport, tech bazaar, etc.).

These two aliens were also part of a cheap set of 3d printed figures, but they are sooo much better than the humans. They're the last two of that group of five to be finished. 

Next is a kitbash of a Frostgrave Cultist with some Victoria Miniatures arms and rifle. This guy was a random test of turning the fantasy figure into a sci-fi bad guy/chaos cultist. 

Finally we have a "gyrinx" psychic space cat. It's just a tiny cat familiar from Reaper painted green, but it adds to the slowly growing gyrinx clowder (they seem to be getting smaller with each new one).


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