Multi-Genre Scaffolding

For the Crocodile Games/Pulp Figures mashup demo game at Adepticon 2023 the olde "Valley of the Kings" board was rehabilitated and it needed a little something extra for the demos- scaffolding. There would be tomb robbers archaeologists who would need the scaffolding to do their pillaging research on. Since Chris was busy with the bulk of the rehab and figuring out how to make the open sides mirrored effectively (it turned out great!) I took it upon myself to build some rickety scaffolds and gangplanks and ladders for the board.

I also thought these would work well for WarGods of Aegyptus games involving ToTanem workers and other genres that might need some intricate navigation up high.

Coffee stirrers from a few different sources and bamboo skewers from the Dollar Tree were the main building materials. I mostly used superglue but occasionally some tacky glue held things together.

For some incredibly cheap background scenery I think they turned out pretty good. I even made a little dock section that will be used for Fishing28 games eventually (it's not yet painted).


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