Molly Kapshaw- Metal Pulp Girl

Molly Kapshaw (aka "Metal Molly") was originally painted in 2013- but that was the modern grownup version of the character. But the young version is the more bookish/occult student from the 1930s. This was a time long before she learned how to fully control her unique organic metal physiology and was more an intellectual threat than a physical one. 

I realized this Chronoscope fig would be a great fit for young Molly the other day while looking for something else. She was half finished for a long time and I was stuck on her normal flesh color. Once the decision was made to make her Molly she came together quickly and turned out much better than the normal flesh version would have.

The book is most definitely some tome of forbidden knowledge from John Prolix's private library. She likely did not ask permission to borrow it.

More members of the 1930s Prolix Associates are probably being painted as I type this- well not simultaneously but at roughly the same time, so that should be fun.


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